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2004-03-13 - 3:57 p.m.


After months of putting it off, I finally broke down and bought the damn bike. I went searching around for the best deal, and finally settled on the generic periwinkle bike with black basket and back box stand that everyone here has. I bought it from the bike store that is right next to my apartment. The worker spends 20 minutes polishing it, pumping up the tires, and generally making it look perfect. He speaks no English and very little Japanese can come out of my mouth, so we communicate by supplementing our conversation with pointing. He is nice and mimes that I can bring the bike back any time for repairs. I leave, pushing my bike and park it in my apartment�s bike rack.

It is a beautiful day and it is warmer that it has been in a long time. I feel accomplished and like the universe is telling me that I should stay. So I make the commitment in my mind - I will stay.

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